
Why Fitness for Dads is Different and How to Make it Work

by | Mar 2, 2023 | Podcasts

Hey there, it’s Isai again and in today’s podcast episode, we’re going to be talking about why fitness for dads is different and how to make it work.

As a dad myself, I know firsthand how challenging it can be to find the time and energy to prioritize my own health and fitness goals while juggling the demands of work, family, and everything else life throws at us.

But here’s the thing: fitness for dads is not impossible, and in fact, it’s more important than ever.

As we get older, our bodies naturally start to lose muscle mass and bone density, making us more prone to injuries and health problems. Plus, let’s be real: we want to be able to keep up with our kids and be around for them as long as possible!

So, how can dads make fitness a priority in their busy lives?

Here are some tips to get you started:

Make it a non-negotiable part of your routine: Just like you wouldn’t skip brushing your teeth or going to work, make exercise a non-negotiable part of your daily routine. Schedule it in your calendar and treat it like an important appointment that you can’t miss.

Get creative with your workouts: Dads may not have the luxury of spending hours in the gym, but that doesn’t mean you can’t get a great workout in. Look for ways to incorporate exercise into your daily activities, such as taking the stairs instead of the elevator, doing push-ups during commercial breaks, or going for a family bike ride.

Prioritize recovery: Recovery is just as important as exercise itself, especially as we get older. Make sure you’re getting enough sleep, eating a healthy diet, and giving your body time to rest and recover between workouts.

Find a workout buddy: Accountability is key when it comes to sticking to your fitness goals. Find a workout buddy who can hold you accountable and keep you motivated.

Set realistic goals: Don’t expect to run a marathon or bench press your body weight right off the bat. Set realistic, achievable goals for yourself and celebrate your progress along the way.

Remember, fitness for dads is different, but it’s not impossible.

With the right mindset and approach, you can prioritize your health and fitness goals and be the best dad you can be.

If you’d like to hear more about this topic, be sure to check out the latest episode of my podcast.

So go ahead and SLAM that PLAY button NOW and get the other tips straight in your ears!

Catch you on the other side!

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Episode Timestamps:

0:00 – Intro
1:33 – Welcome and Salutations
1:57 – Hope you’re doing better than Mrs. Rodriguez
2:54 – More well wishes
3:22 – A Ton Going On Business-Wise
5:41 – My Big Idea
6:40 – We’re in “Discovery Phase”
7:34 – This is why I really like talking into the Mic
8:38 – Transitioning into The Meat & Potatoes
10:12 – Meat & Potatoes: Why Fitness for Dads is Different and How to Make it Work
11:28 – Why is it that so many fitness programs fail for dads?
12:12 – Many programs are built with a One-Size-Fits-All
12:55 – They don’t address the underlying reasons
13:30 – Strategy 1: Find a specially tailored routine
14:07 – Strategy 2: Identify the underlying reasons we struggle
15:25 – The Bottom Line
17:08 – Outro


Why is it that so many fitness programs just simply fail for dads?

Well, we’re going to take a deep dive into that topic today. And I hope you’ll come away with some valuable insights.

What’s happening? This is Isai Rodriguez, host of the destination podcast where I cater to the professional working man 40 And above who’s looking to make positive changes to his health lose weight and become stronger overall through simple lifestyle changes.

I’m here to share inspiration tips and proven lessons that I’ve personally learned and live through in my 40 plus years on this here beautiful blue planet.

And listen, your health and fitness goals are easier to achieve than you might think. First and foremost, it’s all about getting your mind straight right from the get go.

And so I’ve got a freebie for you called the 10 Dad-Splanation mindhacks that’ll help you with your mind in the shape so that you can turn around and whip your body into shape.

If that sounds good to you. Then get on over to podcast.dadsplantion.com/mindhacks right now to get your freebie today and start using these 10 hacks to exercise consistently and create the real and lasting results that you’re truly after and that you absolutely deserve.

That’s podcast.dadsplanation.com/mindhacks again, that’s podcast.dadsplanation.com/mindhacks be in the know starting right now.

And so with all that being said and done let’s get right into the show

Hey, what’s happening? What’s happening you guys, how is everybody?

How are you doing out there in podcast land on Spotify on Apple podcast on Stitcher on Podchaser wherever it is that you’re listening wherever it is that you’re tuning in on this beautiful blue marble.

Where is it like how are you guys doing?

Hopefully you guys are doing a lot better than than what the wife is doing right now. She we just got out of the ER last night and so she had some some issues complications I should say. That led to us having to go to the ER and handle her asthma so the asthma got out of control and they had to nebulize her so she’s doing better but needless to say I am a little bit out of energy.

I’m a little bit out of it today. I’m a little tired. I we were up literally from midnight till about five this morning. 530 was around the time that we walked back into the you know, into the house through the doors and so yeah, I’m a bit tired I hope…

I hope I can still portray some energy through the sound waves here and hope you guys are doing good.

I hope you guys are find yourself in good health.

I hope your your family’s doing well.

I hope everybody in your everyone around you everyone that’s surrounding you is doing great.

I hope that the good Lord is raining down some blessings in your life right now.

Yeah. So what else is going on in the Casa de Rodriguez at this moment?

Well actually there there is a ton going on right now. A lot of movement from the business side from the business aspect. I won’t get into too much detail with that because this is not a business podcast, but I’ll let you guys know that.

There is a lot of movement in our business right now. And so it’s kind of I’m not gonna say it’s hard to keep up there’s a lot to keep up with is what I would say is what I am saying.

And so yeah, we’re taking it in stride. We are here, hammering out some like me myself with a podcast here. I have a bunch of online assets that are that we’re both working on right now and so it things are going good things are going great but you know along with that greatness comes a lot of not I’m not gonna say responsibilities.

I’m not going to say our time because yes, right now it is time yes right now it is responsibility, but we’re essentially pouring into this business asset that we’re building. And so right now it’s I wouldn’t use the term consuming us like that’s, it’s a little it’s that’s kind of a strong word if you ask me, but I will say that it’s taking a lot of our time.

And it’s for the better, you know, because eventually this vehicle that we’re building here will sustain our day to day activities. And then at that point, you guys will be hearing a lot more of me you will be seeing more of me on social media. You will be seeing more of me online on my blog.

I have another couple of more things I had mentioned about about building like an online community and throwing all these resources that I have like, like these tips and these lists and and all these things like putting them typing them up nice and pretty making them presentable into nice PDF download and uploading them to the cloud if you will.

So right now I have I’m thinking about creating a Facebook group at this point. And it’s gonna be I’m trying to figure out what to name it at at this point. And I’m thinking like this just popped into my head the other day, calling it the D spot D as in dad splanation the D spot, the spot health and wellness group, something to that effect, and we’ll see we’ll see.

Like I said, I want to bring as much value to you guys as I humanly possibly can. And so whatever that I can do to make it easier and better for you all out there so that you guys can get on your health journey. Join me where I am now and we can ride into the sunset. together like champions that we are and so hopefully, you know, hopefully this will all work out but we’ll see you know, right now everything is in discovery phase, if you will, you know to use a term that I use at work when I’m building my systems with the government contractor that I work with at the moment.

We are in the discovery phase where I’m essentially brainstorming different ideas looking into this looking into that. See what works. See what’s out there, what I can utilize what tools are there things like that. I’m just figuring things out basically. And so hopefully it all comes together and I bring you guys something amazing something awesome.

I want to serve you guys to the full to my fullest potential at the highest level that I possibly can. So yeah, it’s all for you guys. So that’s why I’m here. That’s what I do these podcasts.

I mean, I enjoy talking to the mic like this. I enjoy speaking to you guys through the through the camera and whatnot. But ultimately, ultimately all fun aside you know, I learn a lot from from these episodes to be honest with you because there’s something that happens when you there’s one thing like learning it like you read something you internalize it you learn it.

But  when you learn something to the point where you can explain it to others and you can teach others what it is that you’re learning. Then at that point is when you you can say that you’ve mastered the material, you know you’ve become the teacher.

And so I’m not saying that I know everything I trust me I don’t know everything I still lean on my resources on the people that are professionals in their world, in their you know specialty, and, you know, I just I basically tap into the right people, you know, but that being said, let’s move on to the meat and potatoes I don’t want this to drag on too long.

But I did want to give you guys a quick little update as to what’s what’s brewing what’s coming down the pipeline let you guys know what is coming for you all you know so when you hear the call to action, as they call it when you call when I when I changed the freebie for you. You’ll know why and what that’s all about.

But yeah, a little live update through the airwaves here. So anyway, again, hope you guys are doing great. I hope you guys are awesome. I hope you’re amazing. I hope you guys are living the greatest life that you possibly can right now the good Lord up there has blessed you tremendously and give is giving you health and happiness and wealth and everything else that you desire everything else that you want in your life, all that goodness, all that positive energy that you’re putting out there.

I’m hoping I want the good Lord to rain that down on your life right now because we need more positivity in this world you know what I mean?

We need there’s there’s so much negative out there. I’m not I’m not even gonna go into that. Let’s let’s get into the meat and potatoes of this episode because I don’t want to even touch negativity. Again. There’s way too much out there. And you don’t need me to bring that up. You can you can find that anywhere.

So anyway…

Why fitness for dads is different and how to make it work

Because, first of all, as you know, I’m a dad myself, and I’ve been struggling to find time for fitness in my busy schedule because like I said, I were I was just telling you about the whole, you know, business has taken off and have a bunch of things going on.

And so time is is is at a premium, basically so I have a super busy schedule and I struggle I’m struggling to find time for fitness in my schedule, but I’m happy to say that I’ve started making some changes in my routine, and I’ve been able to get moving a little bit more and I’m feeling you know, I’m starting to feel better already.

You know, I’ve been I’ve been getting up a little earlier to get a jump on my day and to potentially fit in a quick workout when I can.

And I’ve also been taking advantage of my lunch break to go for a walk. You know, it’s not easy, but I’m committed to making fitness a priority in my life.

And it seems that I’m not alone here you know, so why is it that so many fitness programs fail for dads?

Like that’s the thing that we’re going to hammer on today on this episode.

I mean it’s no secret that you know, many dads struggle to maintain a consistent fitness routine.

We have I mean, we have so many responsibilities from work and family household chores, so many responsibilities that it can be, you know, it can be tough to find the time and energy to exercise but why is it that some fitness programs in particular work for some people and not for others?

You know, have you ever thought of that? That’s a question I pose to you have you ever thought of that?

So one big reason is is that…

Many fitness programs are designed with a one size fits all approach

They don’t take into account the unique challenges that dads in particular face when it comes to fitness for example, many programs assume that you have a lot of free time to exercise Am I right?

Or that you have access to a gym easy access, like you know down the street or your basement or something. Yeah, and most of us do. You know a lot of us do.

But I can honestly say firsthand that for many of us for many dads that that’s simply not the case. Another reason that fitness programs fail for dads is that…

They don’t address the underlying reason why we struggle to stay consistent

Maybe we’re dealing with stress at work, or we don’t have the support we need from our family or friends.

You know, these are all important factors that can impact our ability to stick with the fitness program. Right?

So what can we do to make fitness work for us as dads like that’s another question that I have to bring up and ask you know?

Well, there’s a few key strategies that can help

First it’s it’s important to…

Find a program that’s designed specifically for dads

This can help ensure that our program takes into account our unique needs and challenges.

To do this to find a specially tailored program that works for you the answer is simple.

You need to talk to a professional period, you know and when I say the word professional, what we’re talking about here is also simple you know, we’re talking about a personal trainer, you know?

Second, we need to…

Identify the underlying reasons why we struggle to stay consistent

Maybe it’s again, like I said, maybe it’s stress at work, a lack of support, or simply not having enough time in the day, but here’s the thing with all of these, they’re all excuses and none of them should stop you from getting into action from working out from staying active.

Because you can give yourself all the excuses in the world. But you know what?

Father Time is not going to wait for you. And Mother Nature will fuck you up.

You know what I mean?

Don’t use these excuses for not exercising. But do understand that what it is that’s holding you back.

You need to understand that don’t don’t play jokes with yourself. You’re only fooling yourself you’re not I mean, understand what it is that you’re struggling with.

And work with that bring that up to your trainer. Explain to them what it is that you’re struggling with. And have them help you like have them work through that. You know what I mean?

So once we know what’s holding us back, we can take the steps to address those issues and make fitness a priority in our lives.

Bottom Line

And the bottom line here is that fitness is an essential aspect of our health and well being and it’s especially important for dads who want to be able to keep up with the demands of family life, right.

But where traditional fitness programs generally fall short when it comes to addressing the unique challenges that dads face.

We need to take the personalized approach and address the underlying reasons why we struggle and stay consistent.

You know, like why is it that we struggled with states consistent like find those things that are holding you back those roadblocks those hurdles, if you will.

By doing that, once you figure that out, once you understand what’s holding you back, you can make fitness work for you as a busy dad.

So whether it’s finding a program designed specifically for you or identifying the root causes of your fitness obstacles, there are practical steps we can take to make fitness a priority in our lives.

So if you’re a dad, again, who wants to improve your fitness and overall health, don’t be discouraged by past failures.

That’s the first thing why with the right mindset, the right strategies, the right support, you can succeed in your fitness journey and set a positive example for your family.

You know, because here’s the thing, you deserve it. Your family deserves it and this whole world is a better place with you in it my man.

So with all that said and done that’s it you guys that’s my show for today.

I hope you found some valuable information here.

And if nothing else, I hope I’ve entertained you for a few minutes and was able to bring you a little manly sunshine to your day.

Thanks for taking some time out of your day to listen to me it’s very much appreciated.

And look your health and fitness goals are easier to achieve than you might think.

First and foremost, it’s all about getting your mind straight right from the get go.

So I’ve got a freebie for you called the 10 Dad-Splanation mind hacks that to help you with your mind in the shape so that you can turn around and whip your body into shape.

If that sounds good to you, then get on over to podcast DadSplanation.com/mindhacks to get your freebie today and start using these 10 hacks to exercise consistently and create the real and lasting results that you’re truly after and that you absolutely deserve.

That’s podcast dot dadsplanation.com/mindhacks again that’s podcast.dadsplanation.com/mindhacks be in the know starting right now.

Until our next chat, take care now.


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