
Transcript for Episode 011

How to Become a Morning Person


Hey what’s happening?!!…

This is Isai Rodriguez… host of the DadSplanation Podcast where I cater to the Professional Working Man, 40 and above, who’s looking to make positive changes to his health, lose weight, and become stronger overall through simple lifestyle changes.

I’m here to share inspiration, tips and proven lessons that I’ve personally learned and lived through in my 40+ years on this beautiful blue planet.

So today we’ll start the discussion with Ginger: The New Anti-Inflammatory Drink in our first segment and then we’ll move on to our 2nd segment with How to Become a Morning Person…

And before we get into that, if you’d like to continue the conversation, then get on over to podcast.dadsplanation.com/vip to get on the VIP Insider’s Community where I share more entertaining “behind-the-scenes” stories, tips, and hacks that’ll keep you feeling younger each and every day!

That’s podcast.dadsplanation.com/vip…

Again, that’s podcast.dadsplanation.com/vip… be in the know… starting right now

Also, don’t forget to rate me on Apple Podcasts… OR wherever it is you’re listening to this Episode… AND leave me a NICE… FAT… JUICY… 5-star-review and some absolutely beautiful words of why you love the show so much! It really helps me get the word out and it’s honestly the one place where your vote truly matters!

And now let’s move into our first segment… Healthy Conversations…

Healthy ConversationsGinger is the New Anti-Inflammatory Drink

So as you know… Ginger is a staple (the cornerstone) in cuisines from all around the globe.

Not only for its unique, spicy flavor that compliments sweet and savory dishes but because of its impressive list of health benefits.

The ginger plant is native to Southeast Asia with therapeutic and medicinal usage dating back thousands of years…

And ginger is a natural root that is said to have antioxidant and anti-inflammatory qualities.

It’s not only for cooking either—you can get the benefits of ginger while sipping on ginger water or tea for an extra hydration boost.

The benefits of ginger water basically comes from the ginger itself.

Ginger is filled with soo much goodness that helps fight inflammation, nausea, and potentially reduces pain… and that’s just to name a few of the many benefits.

There’s a lot of circumstantial evidence to support these claims but of course, more research needs to be performed in order to gather the right amount of data needed to really understand the connection between ginger and improved health.

But having said that, here are some things that we can say pretty confidently…

It’s absolutely hydrating.

Ginger water naturally encourages you to drink and consume more water which is super important since proper hydration is key to nearly all of your body’s functioning…

Everything from digestion to preventing headaches can be helped by staying more hydrated than you are right now.

Lots of people struggle to drink enough water and don’t even know it, so adding an herbal twist is a great way to enhance the taste to increase your overall hydration.

It can also fight inflammation.

Much like the ginger itself, ginger water may help prevent inflammation.

So “Gingerol” which is the main compound in ginger, has anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties that reduce oxidative stress in the body.

And now… this is a huge thing because this type of stress can destroy cells, protein, and even DNA and so this all contributes to aging.

And just in case you’re not sure what I mean by oxidative stress… it’s a state your body goes through when there’s too many free radicals floating around in your body.

These molecules that your body produces during normal metabolic processes cause you to get older, faster. They basically break down your body prematurely.

But since this compound (Gingerol) is still retained when creating ginger water, you’ll be able to take advantage of these anti-inflammatory and antioxidant benefits even though they’re slightly less potent since the ginger is essentially diluted with water.

Ginger can also help fight nausea and indigestion.

It’s actually a pretty common “home-remedy” used to bring you relief from nausea and indigestion… In fact, that’s why people reach for ginger candies if they feel nauseated or the old myth of ginger ale as being this sorta magical drink for an untamed or upset stomach.

Ginger water may also help control your fasting blood sugar levels and has shown signs of being able to reduce HbA1c levels for those people that suffer from type 2 diabetes.

These are some of the findings from a small study done in 2015 about the effects of ginger on your health.

Obviously, as with many of these smaller studies… More research is needed to strengthen these result findings… But this is still promising news for its effects on long-term management of your blood sugar and helping people with metabolic disorders.

And as far as reported side effects go… They’re simply rare—so feel free to enjoy it as you like, within moderation (of course).

Actually, speaking of moderation, some studies have found that ingesting more than four grams per day might cause an adverse effect which’ll end up causing things like heartburn, gas, upset stomach, or even a burning sensation in the mouth rather than relieving these symptoms.

So be careful with how much you’re taking in. I suppose that could be considered a side effect.

Some people can’t stand the strong taste of Ginger and would much rather deal with side effects than the taste, so all these benefits may just be a matter of whether you enjoy the taste of ginger or not.

For me… I actually love the taste… I’m the type that orders ginger-ale at a restaurant simply because I like it… Not because I’ve got an upset stomach or anything.

But if you’re adventurous… Just like ginger tea, it’s easy to DIY this baby at home.

Really all you need are…welp, ginger and water.

You know… You can add a touch of honey to lighten the strong flavor of the ginger but all in all, it’s pretty straight forward to prepare.

1 tsp. fresh ginger, grated
4 cups of water
1/2 tsp. honey (optional)
Lemon slices (optional)

So first you boil the four cups of water in a large pot or kettle.

And then once the water is boiling, add the grated ginger and let that boil for 30-60 seconds.

Then remove your pot from heat and let the ginger steep for 5 to 10 minutes or so.

To pour it out, you can use a cheesecloth or some other straining material you have and pour the water through it to remove the pieces of ginger.

If you’d like… Add a bit of honey or lemon to your taste.

And that’s basically it… you can enjoy it hot or place it in the fridge and drink it cold.

It’s totally up to you!

But it’s honestly super simple to prepare and has some great benefits to boot.

You know what I mean?… So give it a shot!

And so, with that said… Let’s move on to our SECOND segment… “Mighty Man”

Mighty ManHow to Become a Morning Person

So buried deep down inside of your DNA, is a small collection of genes that essentially applies a powerful influence on whether you are a morning person or a night person.

Along with these genes are a few other influencers of whether you’re a morning vs a night person — hormones, sunlight, age, and even where on the planet you live.

And if you’re naturally more active and productive at night, is there a way to essentially override these biological and environmental influences?

Like can you intentionally change yourself into a morning person?

Think about that and let me know your experiences in the comments…

Because here’s the thing… the answer seems to be a resounding “Yes”

It won’t be easy — and it might not be permanent — but the answer appears to be Yes. Yes you can!

So your natural tendency to be more of a morning person or night person is sometimes called your chronotype.

You may be more familiar with the term chronotype when I put it in this context…

Sometimes people refer to chronotypes in animal terms — early birds, night owls, wolves, or dolphins — but there’s obviously no real scientific connection between these labels and human sleep phases.

Whether you’re up-and-running at the break of dawn or you’re at your peak in the later hours of the day, this is all more a matter of genetics, but it is possible to change your sleeping and waking cycles — even if the changes don’t last a lifetime.

And there’s quite a few things you can try to help flip that morning vs. night switch…

So if the demands of your job, your school schedule, your family’s needs, or your personal goals require you to be more active and productive during morning hours, then I’ve got some doctor-recommended tips for you that’ll help line up your sleep schedule to fit your life.

So first… think “baby steps”… little by little… Sleep experts recommend that you start by going to sleep 20 minutes earlier each night and working your way up to 2 or 3 hours.

Over a period of a few weeks, move your nighttime ritual earlier and earlier until you find a bedtime hour that allows you to get the right amount of sleep before your alarm goes off and your day begins.

So again… little by little… don’t go from a 2am bedtime to 12 midnight because that just ain’t gonna work… you might be able to do that once or twice but it certainly won’t be a sustainable thing and you’ll be right back where you started.

Your body has an inner clock that sets your circadian rhythms.

That clock is highly sensitive to changes in light.

In fact, your body is capable of releasing the sleep-inducing hormone melatonin in response to sunset-colored light.

But on the other hand, blue light stimulates a wake-up response in your body. So it’s quite the opposite.

And as you know… Blue light is all around us these days… from our phones, watches, televisions, laptops, even your car’s headlights… they’re all blue light.

And even though blue light is all around us and keeps us up at night, you can still use this light sensitivity to your benefit.

So if you limit your exposure to devices that give off this blue light (again… phones, tablets, televisions, etc)… by limiting your exposure when it gets close to bedtime, maybe opting for nightlights (or bedside lamps with amber or red bulbs that imitate the sleepy-time sunset colors)… you can let the lighting help you realign your body’s natural internal clock.

Now I know that for a lot of you… Going to sleep isn’t as easy as simply turning off the lights.

You have to remember that most likely you’re trying to override a lifelong habit of nighttime activity…

So it may help to create routines that send a sort of bedtime signal to your brain.

You can try some things like stretching, meditation, deep breathing, aromatherapy, reading books, journaling, or even yoga…

I’m a big advocate for yoga. And this and other calming rituals may help you develop a nice and relaxing nighttime routine that’ll help you get that earlier start to your sleep cycle.

As your sleep cycle begins to change, you might notice changes to your energy levels which’ll quickly show in your productivity and your overall mood.

I highly suggest you make a note of these changes as you experience them because reviewing these positive changes will help you stay motivated on those days when you’re feeling a bit sleepy… disoriented… or as I like to call it… “out of it”.

When you’re not all there, you’re just kind of “out of it”. You’re not all there mentally. I know we’ve all had these issues before.

Oh here’s something for you…

Studies show that when people go after long-term goals, they’re more likely to stay motivated if they see smaller accomplishments along the way.

So as you plan your strategy for becoming more of a morning person, think about different ways to reward yourself when you do these hard things.

Because let’s face it… changing your bedtime schedule is no easy task, but it can be done and if you reward yourself here and there, it’ll be a little easier.

And you know the things that matter most to you… Use your daily or weekly achievements to micro-motivate yourself… have them give you little boosts along the way!

Always keep an eye on your larger, more aspirational goals…

Because these changes in your sleep patterns can take some time to reverse… don’t be discouraged.

It might even help to remind yourself why you began this journey. What’s so important that you need to change your sleep cycles?

Did you want to get a degree? Increase your income? Get fit? Build a business?

What was it for you?… ask yourself that…

And if the practical reason isn’t enough of a motivator, then you might benefit from what behavioral researchers call “superordinate goals.”

These are simply higher level goals… sometimes we get so specific about what our goals are (which is normally a great idea) but sometimes we need to take a step back, maybe take a breath or two, and just refocus on the bigger picture for a minute and then focus back onto the details after gathering our thoughts.

And let’s not allow eating habits to get in the way of your progress…

A research analysis done in 2020 found that night people tend to eat their dinner meal much later in the day than morning people do.

These studies also showed that they mostly tend to skip breakfast, eat fewer vegetables, and consume more caffeine and alcohol than morning types.

Now let me ask you this… does that sound healthy to you?…

Nope… I see you nodding your heads!

No but really…

If your goal is to fall asleep earlier and wake up earlier, you might want to change and adapt your eating habits so they promote better sleep.

Now… The recommendation is that you limit caffeine and alcohol close to bedtime and eat your largest meal earlier in the day.

You can also use exercise to move your sleep phase earlier in the evening.

A recent study that tracked the exercise and sleep patterns of 52 individuals showed that people that are considered “night owls” could actually move up their sleep cycle to an earlier time of day simply by exercising either in the morning or in the evening.

So you can totally drop in a workout session into your day to help with the transition.

It also went on to say that once you’ve shifted to a more morning-oriented sleep cycle, you should exercise early in the day to preserve your new sleeping pattern.

It’ll keep it going easier over time…

Because you have to remember that becoming a morning person or basically changing your sleep schedule, literally won’t happen overnight.

Actually the more deep-seated your sleep patterns are, the longer it’ll take to reprogram them.

So be easy on yourself… again, it’s not going to happen overnight.

And while it’s perfectly fine to let yourself hit the snooze button on a weekend morning or when you’re on vacation, try to stick to your new schedule as much of the time as possible.

Because in the long run, it’s that type of consistency that’ll deliver the best results overall.

And don’t be afraid to go to the experts…

On last week’s episode, we talked about getting your behind to the doctor…

This holds true here as well…

Get yourself to a sleep specialist if you feel the need to do so.

Like… If you’re not getting the results you need, consider working with a specialist at a sleep center.

So if your sleep is disrupted, you’re having insomnia, or you want to work toward a different sleep schedule, a sleep study could help you better understand your body’s needs and patterns.

Obviously, you may want to start by consulting with your doctor to find out whether there’s an underlying medical condition that’s contributing to any sleep difficulties you’re having.

And if not, then move on up to the specialists…

Because there’s so many reasons why your sleep patterns might be out of whack and you just won’t know until you get that professional opinion.

There’s also so many factors involved with this as well…

Everything from hormonal changes, to stroke, to seasonal impacts, and even the latitude of your home can affect your sleep patterns… so where in the world you live can have a negative or positive impact on whether you’re a morning versus a night person.

So if your health, your job, your family, education, or personal goals require you to be an early riser, a morning bird…

Then it’s possible to make a slow, steady, and gradual change in your natural sleeping habits.

It might take time to make these changes, and you might fall back into your natural genetically-set routine at some point, but there are steps you can take to become more of a morning person right now.

Diet and exercise can help you adjust your sleep schedule.

New nighttime routines and an earlier bedtime will definitely make a difference, and you might find that changing the lighting in your sleeping environment also helps.

And once you start getting up earlier, keep track of any positive effects, reward yourself often, and remind yourself of your overall goals and objectives if you find that “the going gets tough” at some point along the way. Because it generally does…

Just remember… changing your chronotype is not easy, and you might even want to get some expert help if these strategies don’t work for you.

And if you still find that you’re not bouncing out of bed, alert, wide-awake, and “ready-to-go” at the crack of dawn, then just know that chronotype diversity in general is on the rise and it’s not necessarily a bad thing.


That’s it you guys… That’s my show for today!

I hope you found some valuable information here and if nothing else, I hope I’ve entertained you for a few minutes and was able to bring a little man-ly sunshine to your day.

Thanks for taking some time out of your day to listen to me… it’s very much appreciated!

On next week’s episode, we’ll be going over the question “Is eating fish healthy?” so you definitely don’t want to miss out on that!

And if you’d like to continue the conversation with me, then get on over to podcast.dadsplanation.com/vip to get on the VIP Insider’s community where I share even more “raw-behind-the-scenes” stories, tips, and hacks that’ll keep you feeling younger and younger… each and every day!

That’s podcast.dadsplanation.com/vip…

Again, that’s podcast.dadsplanation.com/vip… be in the know… starting right now!

Also, don’t forget to rate me on Apple Podcasts… OR wherever it is you’re listening to this Episode… AND leave me a NICE… FAT… JUICY… 5-star-review and some absolutely beautiful words of why you love the show so much!

It really helps me get the word out and it’s honestly the one place where your vote truly matters!

Until our next chat… Take care!

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Isai Rodriguez
Health and Wellness Enthusiast, Coach, and Podcaster
Hi... Do you have a burning question for me? I'm happy to answer you anytime. Just drop your question below or simply say "Hi"!!
Isai Rodriguez
Health and Wellness Enthusiast, Coach, and Podcaster