
Take Care of Yourself: 7 Simple Ways to Be a Better You

by | May 11, 2023 | Podcasts

In this episode of The Dad-Splanation Podcast, join me as I dive into the world of self-care and discover practical tips for dads who are ready to make positive changes in their lives. Discover practical tips and easy ways to prioritize your well-being and become the best version of yourself.

In this episode, we’ll share 7 simple self-care strategies designed specifically for busy dads like you. Learn how to incorporate movement into your daily routine, make healthier food choices without sacrificing your favorites, and ensure you’re getting enough quality sleep.

Discover the power of taking regular breaks, practicing mindfulness, and nurturing social connections for improved mental well-being. Plus, we’ll unveil the secret to treating yourself guilt-free and finding balance in your life.

Join me as I empower you to put yourself first and show up as the best dad you can be and don’t forget to subscribe to my YouTube, Facebook, Instagram, and TikTok channels for more valuable self-care and other wellness tips.

Message me directly to get your exclusive “10 dadsplanation mindhacks” freebie, designed to help you overcome obstacles and unlock your full potential. Remember, self-care is not selfish – it’s essential. Start prioritizing your well-being today!

So let’s get into action now and start taking care of ourselves together!

Click below to listen to the show, view the video, or just continue reading the transcript!

Take care and I’ll catch you on the other side!

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Hey there, dads! Welcome to my video blog where we talk all things dad and man related, up to and including “self-care”. Today, I’m going to share with you some easy and practical tips to help you lead a healthier lifestyle.

And before we get into all the juicy goodness, don’t forget to Like, Subscribe, and Follow me on YouTube, FaceBook, Instagram, and TikTok for daily inspiration and motivation to get you moving in the right direction.

Also, don’t forget to message me directly for your “10 dadsplanation mindhacks” freebie. These 10 hacks are my top tips for getting into action, staying motivated, and achieving your fitness goals, even when life gets in your way.

So with that said, let’s jump right into the action…

Now, I know you’re busy taking care of your family and working hard at your job. But, if you don’t take care of yourself, you won’t be able to show up as your best self for the people you love.

The good news is that self-care doesn’t have to be complicated or time-consuming. By implementing these simple tips, you’ll start to feel better, both physically and mentally, in no time.

So if you’re ready, then let’s get right into it!

Tip number one: Move your body. You don’t have to be a fitness guru to start being more active. Even something as simple as a 30-minute walk each day can make a big difference in your overall health. Go out for a walk or a jog.

I personally set a timer for 10 minutes and I’ll take 3 ten minute workout breaks where I’ll do a full workout in ten minutes.

You don’t have to over complicate things. I think that’s what keeps a lot of people stuck where they are. They overthink what it is they have to do to remain healthy and fit.

Stick to the basics and simply be consistent with it and you’ll be amazed at the results you’ll get.

Tip number two: Fuel your body with nutritious foods. You don’t have to go on a strict diet or cut out all your favorite foods. Just focus on adding more fruits and vegetables to your meals and try to reduce your intake of processed foods. Simple as that.

If you want to take it a step further, you can add supplements to your diet. And actually, I highly recommend this because if you speak to any nutritionist, they’ll be the first to tell you… you cannot get all the vitamins and nutrients your body needs from food alone. It’s just not going to happen.

Tip number three: Get enough sleep. I know it’s tempting to stay up late watching TV or scrolling through social media, but getting enough sleep is crucial for your physical and mental health. Aim for at least seven hours of sleep each night.

I’ve personally been guilty of breaking this one. I have a lot going on with work life, home life, and building a business asset that’s exploding in size at the moment. It takes up a lot of time and so a lot of times, I’m not getting to bed until 12 or 1 in the morning. And then I have to wake up around 5 or 6 depending on the day.

Not good… so this is something I need to work on my self.

Tip number four: Take breaks throughout the day. It’s easy to get caught up in work or household chores and forget to take a break. But taking regular breaks can help reduce stress and improve your productivity.

And actually, not only should you take breaks for your mental health, but if you take a workout break as I mentioned earlier, you’ll get more bang for your buck out of your time. So give it a shot.

Tip number five: Practice mindfulness. Mindfulness can help you stay present and focused on the present moment. Try taking a few minutes each day to meditate or practice deep breathing exercises.

These practices will keep you rooted… grounded. It’s hard to lose focus when you’ve meditated on your goals first thing in the morning! Just a thought…

Tip number six: Connect with others. As dads, it’s easy to get caught up in our daily routines and forget to connect with our friends and family. But social connections are crucial for our mental health. Make an effort to reach out to someone you care about each week.

Tip number seven: Treat yourself to something you enjoy. Self-care doesn’t have to be all about discipline and hard work. It’s important to treat yourself every once in a while. Whether it’s indulging in your favorite dessert or taking a day off from work, make sure to give yourself some love and attention.

It’s like when you fly in an airplane and they tell you… (in the event of an emergency) make sure you fasten your own oxygen mask before trying to help someone else with theirs. It’s kind of the same thing. Take care of yourself first or else you won’t be able to take care of others.

And so there you have it, dads! Seven simple tips to help you take care of yourself and be a better you.

If you found this video helpful, make sure to subscribe to my social channels on YouTube, Facebook, Instagram, and TikTok for more self-care tips and tricks.

And if you want to take your self-care to the next level, make sure to message me directly to get my “10 dadsplanation mindhacks” freebie. These mindhacks will help you overcome your biggest obstacles and live your best life.

That’s all for today’s video. Thanks for watching and I’ll see you in the next one!

Isai from Dad-Splanation Podcast In the Flesh
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