
Over 40? Reignite Your Health with a 30-Day Reset

by | Mar 11, 2024 | Blog

Hey there, fellow dads! Let’s face it, after 40, things start to change.

Remember chasing your little ones around the park without breaking a sweat?

Yeah, those days might be a distant memory (or maybe you’re still crushing it, high five!).

But for many of you, keeping up with the energy of your family and staying on top of your health can feel like an uphill battle.

And Hey — It’s National Nutrition Month and what better time to hit the reset button?

I’m not talking about going all extreme here.

But what if there was a way to feel more energized, sleep better, and maybe even manage that dad bod we’ve all been working on (ahem) – all in 30 days?


Well then consider this your formal invitation to come down the rabbit hole with me — Let’s dive in!

The Dad Bod Struggle is Real (But It Doesn’t Have to Win!)

We’ve all been there. That extra slice of pizza after soccer practice with the kids (hey, gotta refuel, right?).

Maybe those late-night Netflix binges after everyone’s finally asleep are catching up with you.


Suddenly, that morning jog feels like running a marathon, and keeping up with the little ones leaves you feeling more like a spectator than a superhero dad.

And let’s not forget the battle of the bulge.

We all know the feeling of that favorite pair of jeans suddenly requiring some serious acrobatics to get into.

Don’t get me wrong, there’s nothing wrong with embracing your body as it changes.

But wouldn’t it be awesome to have the energy to truly keep up with your family and feel your best self again?

Ready to Hit Reset on Your Health?

The good news is, it’s never too late to turn things around!

I’d like to quickly introduce the Reset 30 program, a game-changer designed specifically for guys like us – busy dads over 40 who want to feel better and get back to rocking that “Rad Dad” status.

This isn’t about some fad diet or crazy workout routine.

The Reset 30 program takes a holistic approach, focusing on the key pillars that affect our overall health and well-being.

How You’ll Feel Like a Rad Dad Again

Let’s be honest, feeling tired and sluggish isn’t exactly the recipe for superhero dad status.

The Reset 30 program is designed to help you tackle those common challenges faced by guys over 40:

    • Energy Levels Through the Roof: Imagine having the stamina to chase after the kids without feeling winded. With the Reset 30’s focus on healthy eating and smart supplementation, you might just find yourself with an extra pep in your step.
    • Sleep Like a Champ: Trouble catching those Zzz’s? The program can help you develop healthy sleep habits so you wake up feeling refreshed and ready to conquer the day.
    • Kiss the Dad Bod Goodbye (Well, Maybe Not Completely): I’m not promising a six-pack in 30 days (although, hey, who knows!). But the Reset 30 program can help you develop healthy eating habits and potentially manage your weight in a sustainable way.
    • Stress Less, Dad-venture More: Feeling overwhelmed by work, family, and everything in between? The Reset 30 program incorporates techniques to help you manage stress and improve your overall mood.
    • A Stronger You: Let’s not forget about keeping your body healthy from the inside out. The Reset 30 program includes high-quality supplements to support your immune system, digestion, and overall well-being.

This Ain’t No Fly-By-Night Operation, Dudes

I know what you’re thinking: “Is this just another gimmick?”

Relax, fella.

The Reset 30 program was designed by professionals who understand the unique needs of guys over 40.


We’re talking about a program that fits into your busy dad life, not the other way around.

Here’s the cool part — the Reset 30 program includes high-quality supplements to give your body that extra nudge in the right direction.

Think of them like your secret weapon for conquering those dad challenges.

I’ll break down exactly what’s included later, but trust me, these aren’t your run-of-the-mill vitamins.

Plus, the program is designed to be easy to follow.

No crazy meal plans or spending hours at the gym.

You’ll have clear instructions and helpful resources to keep you on track for those 30 days and beyond.

Imagine feeling like a superhero dad again — the kind who wakes up feeling energized, tackles the day with confidence, and keeps up with the crew without breaking a sweat.

That’s the Reset 30 promise!

Hold Up, Dad! Let’s Address Those Burning Questions

Alright, alright, before you jump in, I know you might have some questions.

Here’s the down-low on some of the most common concerns dads like you have about the Reset 30 program:

    • Is it too complicated to follow? Nope! The program was designed to be realistic and achievable for busy dads. It’s not about drastic life changes, but rather small, sustainable tweaks that make a big difference.
    • Do I need fancy equipment? Nope! Forget expensive gym memberships or fancy gadgets. This program is designed to fit into your existing lifestyle, no fancy equipment required.
    • Is this safe for me? Always a good question! And as much as I know this is beyond “safe”, I have to recommend you consult with your physician before starting any new program, especially if you have any pre-existing health conditions.

I get it, taking that first step towards a healthier you can feel intimidating.

But trust me, the Reset 30 program is here to support you every step of the way.

Let’s ditch the dad bod blues and get you back to feeling like the awesome, energetic dad you are!

Take Charge of Your Health Today, Dad!

Alright, dad, are you ready to ditch the struggle and reignite your health?

Here’s how to get started with the Reset 30 program and become the ultimate “Rad Dad” again:

    • Join the Reset 30 community: You don’t have to go it alone! We have a thriving online community of dads who are on the same journey as you. Share your experiences, get support, and motivate each other to reach your health goals.

Don’t wait any longer, Super-Dad!

Take charge of your health and become the best version of yourself for you and your family.

The Reset 30 program is here to help you get there. Let’s go!

Wrapping Things Up

It’s time to rediscover that energy and become the superhero dad your family deserves.

The Reset 30 program isn’t about fads or quick fixes – it’s about making sustainable changes that lead to a healthier, happier version of you.

Are you ready to ditch the dad bod struggle and reignite your health?

I believe in you, Champ!

Head over to my website today and take that first step towards becoming the “Rad Dad” you were always meant to be.

Let’s go!

Until our paths converge once more in this digital realm, remember this…

Keep nurturing your body with the elixir of hydration, persevering in your quest for robust health, and continue thriving with unwavering strength, my fellow dads.

May your journey be filled with vigor and vitality. 🥤💪

Onward and upward, Isai

Isai from Dad-Splanation Podcast In the Flesh
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