
How Dehydration Affects The Body

by | Jan 25, 2023 | Blog

Dehydration is when there isn’t enough water in your blood to properly support the healthy functioning of vital organs and your body in general.

Once dehydration sets in, it can quickly start affecting many body organs which means that if you aren’t drinking sufficient amounts of water you may experience problems such as headaches and dizziness.

If you do drink too little water, your brain cells won’t function properly and if you get to the point of severe dehydration then it can lead to death.

The symptoms of dehydration are similar to those of heat exhaustion. This includes feeling tired, weak, headache, confusion, dry mouth and so on. It is important to drink lots of water because even small changes in your fluid levels can affect your health.

There are a few different types of dehydration. In mild cases you will notice the difference after only three days without drinking any water. However, once your body starts losing more than 2% of its weight, it’s seriously time to start thinking about how much you are consuming.

Keep reading to learn what causes dehydration, what to do about it, and how to avoid it.

    What Is Dehydration?

    Dehydration can happen when you don’t drink enough water. This condition can be very dangerous and so keeping yourself sufficiently hydrated is super important.

    For the ladies, if you’re pregnant this becomes even more important. The sense of urgency is amplified. If you have a baby, then you need to make absolutely sure that you keep yourself hydrated.

    You’ll know when you’re dehydrated because your skin will feel dry. Your mouth and tongue may also become very dry. So if you start noticing these symptoms then you should make sure to start drinking plenty of fluids like water, juices, and other beverages.

    Preventing it is simply a matter of staying well-hydrated throughout the day. That means you should drink plenty of fluids that are high in electrolytes or antioxidants or both. You can do this by drinking plenty of water and eating foods that contain lots of fiber.

    Also, you shouldn’t forget to take a daily bath. The warm temperature of a shower or a tub helps to relax your muscles.

    And the exposure to fluid through bathing and steaming is a great way to ensure hydration of the body in all aspects. The human body is made mostly of water and that is why we are encouraged to drink plenty of it. But soaking in it is also extremely beneficial..

    The last thing you should know about dehydration is that you can easily treat this problem if you know the causes and treatments so let’s get into all of that now!

    Causes of Dehydration

    Dehydration is a condition that occurs when your body loses more water than it takes in through food and drink. This can happen in many different ways.

    For example, you may be suffering from a fever or diarrhea. Both scenarios are common causes for dehydration.

    You should also avoid drinking alcohol. Alcohol practically sucks the fluids out of your body which then leads to other serious health problems.

    Not only that but you can prevent yourself from becoming dehydrated by avoiding activities that cause you to sweat. Activities such as running or working out in hot weather are examples of situations where you might get dehydrated.

    While I always suggest you stay active and get plenty of exercise, you still want to be mindful of how much hydration or fluids you’re putting or not putting into your body while working out and staying active.

    Stay active

    And so as long as you’re aware of these kinds of things, then you’ll stay well hydrated and healthy.

    What to Do About Dehydration

    We all know that dehydration is a big problem in our modern world. It’s common for people to go without drinking enough water because they are busy or don’t want to spend the time it takes to drink.

    It “gets in the way” of living.

    This is a very real problem that affects many people, including the young and old alike.

    According to the Mayo Clinic, more than 50% of Americans have some degree of dehydration, and it can be very difficult to determine how much water a person needs to drink.

    But there’s good news…

    The good news is that there are some simple ways to prevent dehydration and to get more water into your body.

    First, you should make sure to eat foods with lots of fiber. This will help you feel full for longer periods of time.

    Also, you shouldn’t drink much alcohol because even though it might seem like a fun way to relax, it actually does more harm than good.

    And all that being said, the best thing to do about dehydration is to avoid and prevent it in the first place.

    That’s what we’ll talk about next!

    Avoiding Dehydration

    Dehydration can be very dangerous. If you don’t drink enough water.

    You could end up getting sick, developing kidney stones, having heart problems, and even dying. This may sound pretty drastic but it’s the truth.

    So then… how do you prevent yourself from becoming dehydrated?

    Man drinking sports drink

    First of all, you can do this by drinking plenty of fluids that contain electrolytes.

    Electrolyte drinks are like sports drinks, but they’re specifically designed to replenish your electrolytes (sodium, potassium, magnesium, calcium, etc.).

    That’s why they’re usually made with those exact ingredients. They’re made with sodium, potassium, and sometimes chloride or magnesium. They also sometimes have sugar added to them to make them taste better.

    You should drink at least 4-10 ounces of these drinks every day. It’s best if you drink them right after a workout when your body is sweating.

    You also need to avoid eating foods with high levels of salt. Some of these include processed meats, canned vegetables and soups, fast food, and snacks.

    Finally, you can use a re-hydration solution instead of plain old water. These products are available at most grocery stores.

    (However, if you want to know my personal favorite…then you can follow this link to find out.)

    Make sure that you buy one that specifically contains the electrolytes I just mentioned. That way, your body will absorb the fluid much faster.

    If you’re worried about the cost of buying re-hydration solutions, then it’s worth noting that they aren’t expensive.

    In fact, some brands are actually sold for less than $1 per bottle however, if you take your health serious as do I, then I prefer a higher quality product like this one here.

    Common Symptoms of Dehydration

    So by now you’re probably well aware of the fact that you need to drink water, but you may not know that you can actually get dehydrated without drinking too much water.

    If you find yourself feeling tired or having muscle aches, headaches, or heartburn, you may be suffering from dehydration.

    It can also cause you to feel weak and dizzy and also makes you more likely to have a heart attack, stroke, or kidney stones.

    While this is often caused by drinking too little water, it can also be caused by eating too much salty food and not drinking enough fluids.

    How to Prevent Dehydration

    We’ve all heard about the dangers of dehydration—and we’re often told to drink more water. But how much water should we be drinking?

    According to the American Heart Association, men and women should be consuming at least eight 8-ounce glasses of water a day.

    But how much water is actually needed to prevent dehydration?

    Is there any harm in drinking less than that?

    And how much water is actually absorbed by our bodies?

    The answer is: Not a lot.

    One of the best things you can do is to keep yourself well hydrated. This means drinking plenty of fluids throughout the day.

    Another important thing to consider is the amount of salt in your diet. People who consume a lot of processed foods tend to get dehydrated more easily than people who eat fresh fruits and vegetables.

    You can help reduce the risk of dehydration by making sure that you’re eating lots of fruit because fresh produce contains a large number of minerals, vitamins, and nutrients. That’s why it’s so good for you.

    How to Treat Dehydration

    “Water is the essential lifeblood of the human body.” -Dr. Thomas M. Burton.

    Our bodies are made up of water. We need it to survive. Period.

    Dehydration can be very dangerous, especially if you don’t know how to treat dehydration.

    So here are a few steps for you to keep in mind once you realize you’re dehydrated.

    Danger Sign

    Step 1: First, make sure you’re not suffering from other conditions

    If you’re suffering from other conditions, you should see a doctor to get their opinion. They may suggest different treatments than what I’m about to tell you.

    Step 2: Drink lots of water. If you are drinking water, you’re already on the right track

    Try to drink at least half of your body weight in ounces of water each day. You don’t have to drink water all day.

    Step 3: Eat foods that contain electrolytes

    Foods that contain electrolytes include salt, potassium, and sodium. These are found in vegetables like cucumbers and tomatoes.

    Step 4: Get more sleep

    If you don’t get enough sleep, you won’t be able to properly hydrate. Get 7-8 hours of sleep every night.

    The bottom line is that if you want to prevent dehydration, then you should start drinking more liquids every day.

    This is one of several “liquids” I prefer to hydrate my body with.


    Dehydration is one of the most important things to watch for. If you don’t drink enough of the right fluids, you can easily end up with a number of health issues all the way up to (and including) death. The best thing to do is to keep drinking your fluids.

    When you’re looking at the different ways that you can prevent dehydration, it’s very easy to overlook the simplest one right in front of your face.

    It’s important to get hydrated every day. There are a lot of people who don’t drink enough water.

    And if you’re one of them, you will feel tired, weak, and lethargic. Your body will have trouble fighting off infection and disease. And your energy levels will be low, making it difficult to get through your day.

    So, the next time you’re feeling thirsty, make sure that you drink enough. You should be aiming for eight glasses of water per day. But that doesn’t mean that you can’t be more strategic with the way that you drink.

    Ultimately your goal should be to keep up with your daily fluid requirements and if you’re tired of the way water tastes, then why not flavor it up with some of this stuff.

    Until our next chat…

    Stay healthy, my friend!


    Isai from Dad-Splanation Podcast In the Flesh
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