How To Ease Into The New Normal
We have to understand that the world is changing.
In the past, we only had to worry about one (maybe two) viruses…
… but now we have to deal with three or more viruses at the same time.
This is a huge change, and we have to learn to adapt to it.
A healthy diet will help us to stay strong and fit. It will also help us to fight off infections and disease.
The foods we eat are like our medicine; they can be used to keep us well. But if we eat the wrong foods, then the opposite is true.
They can make us sick, and that’s why it’s important to know what to eat, and what not to eat.
And making the change from one to the other can be monumental but it doesn’t have to be.
There are many ways of eating that are sustainable, easy to maintain and fun to do. The first thing to remember is that food is fuel.
We don’t need a lot of it – just enough to get us through our day.
I’m not saying you should never eat anything that’s unhealthy or processed, but you should only eat what you feel good about and enjoy.
I also want to stress that you don’t have to starve yourself to lose weight. You can eat whatever you like as long as you eat enough to stay strong and healthy.
It’s more of a mental training that puts you on the right track from the mind out. You’re being mindful of what you eat.
But mental training (just like physical training) takes time, effort, and some coaching at times.
I’d like to help with the coaching part and so I have 5 tricks that’ll help you ease into a new normal in this “Post COVID Pandemic” world we’re transitioning into.
I’ll give you the mind-exercise-framework, you implement it in your life ASAP, and we’ll both watch how it all gets simpler over time.
Go ahead RIGHT NOW and SMASH that PLAY button to get the mouth watering details on this episode of “The Dad-Splanation Podcast”.
Catch you on the other side!
Episode Timestamps:
0:00 – Intro
1:26 – Welcome and Salutations
2:04 – Throat update
3:36 – My Wellness Fix
4:51 – The weather has not been cooperating
6:51 – This made me laugh
8:31 – Gotta stop saying this
9:05 – Meat & Potatoes: How To Ease Into The New Normal
11:34 – This transition is like no other
12:40 – What people have reported during COVID pandemic
13:39 – What people are saying after the COVID pandemic
14:11 – We’ve all been affected by it
14:44 – The Nuclear Fallout
15:52 – First: Envision a new normal
17:03 – What you should be focusing on
18:43 – Second: Set a goal
19:17 – Reflect on the specific things that you want to change
20:42 – Third: Make a plan
21:46 – Making a plan isn’t all that hard
22:55 – Fourth: Focus on nutrients
24:11 – Examples of foods to eat
24:50 – Examples of what not to eat
26:52 – Why people in the gym are always smiling
27:36 – Fifth: Take it easy as you transition to your new normal
29:09 – Another “Crazy” idea that may or may not materialize
29:52 – Moving it along a bit
30:30 – Bottom Line: Ready to take control of their health
32:07 – Closing Credits