
Transcript for Episode 003

How To Lower Your Blood Pressure With These 7 Drinks


Hey what’s happening?!!…

This is Isai Rodriguez… host of the DadSplanation Podcast where I cater to the Professional Working Man, 40 and above, who’s looking to make positive changes to his health, lose weight, and become stronger overall through simple lifestyle changes.

I’m here to share inspiration, tips and proven lessons that I’ve personally learned and lived through in my 40+ years on this beautiful blue planet.

So today we’ll be talking about Eating Bananas Post Workout… Should You Do It? and then we’ll move on to our 2nd segment with How To Lower Your Blood Pressure With These 7 Drinks….

And before we get into that, if you’d like to continue the conversation, then get on over to podcast.dadsplanation.com/vip to get on the VIP Insider’s list where I share more entertaining “behind-the-scenes” stories, tips, and hacks that’ll keep you feeling younger each and every day!

That’s podcast.dadsplanation.com/vip…

Again, that’s podcast.dadsplanation.com/vip… be in the know… starting right now

Also, don’t forget to rate me on iTunes by leaving me a nice FAT-5-star-review and some absolutely beautiful words of why you love the show so much! It really helps me get the word out and it’s honestly the one place where your vote truly matters!

And now let’s move into our first segment… Healthy Conversations…

Healthy ConversationsShould You Eat a Banana After a Workout?

Many people think of bananas as the perfect post-workout snack.

And I can agree… I mean think about it… They’re convenient, easy to digest, and contain a nice combination of nutrients that are believed to help promote quicker recovery after exercise.

I’ve had this conversation with my wife a few times… mostly because we know someone that always carried two or three bananas in her gym bag for after they’ve finished up at the gym.

But here’s the thing… These little versatile bad boys can be eaten before… during… or after a workout.

They can help in either scenario.

You can eat a banana 30-60 minutes before a workout and it’ll give you the carb energy you need to get through your workout.

On the flipside… if you eat 1–2 bananas combined with some other good carbs after a workout will help with the recovery process after a workout.

And now here’s the funny thing… you may be thinking “ok but you said something about eating a banana during your workout. What’s that all about?”…

Yeah it’s true… I mean people eat protein bars during a workout, why not a banana.

It’s not protein but in reality, what you need to get through your workout are carbs, not protein necessarily…

Mind you… that eating bananas while working out might cause feelings of fullness or bloating in some people.

So if this is the case for you, then you might consider trying alternative carb-rich foods, like dried fruit, fruit purées, sports drinks, or sports gels.

And now that I said sports gels… one just came to mind… one second as I write that down for my VIP list.

So yeah… if you’re looking to maximize your performance at the gym, try hitting up that banana either before or even during your workout… although, with the COVID restrictions, you might want to rethink the During Workout thing…

But for the record… bananas ARE a great food to eat AFTER a workout.

You have choices… before… during… after… Again… bananas are super versatile so take advantage of that!

Mighty ManHow To Lower Your Blood Pressure With These 7 Drinks

When blood pressure goes unchecked and you’re not really keeping an eye on your numbers, there’s a really good chance that it’ll lead you to some health complications like heart disease or stroke.

One of the best things you can do to battle against and defeat high blood pressure (or hypertension) is to keep your diet in check.

SO changing your diet to one that’s more blood pressure-friendly can go a long way in keeping your blood pressure within a healthy range AND you won’t have to deal with the side effects caused by medications prescribed by your doctor.

And did you know that it’s not only the foods in your diet that help reduce blood pressure but several drinks do the same too?

It’s true… let’s get into the 7 different types of drinks that can help lower your blood pressure.

Tomato Juice

Although I’m not personally a huge fan of tomato juice, I will say that there’s been several research studies that show that drinking one glass of tomato juice per day can promote heart health.

A Japanese research team conducted a series of tests last year and found that drinking an average of one cup of tomato juice per day will lowered blood pressure and cholesterol levels in the participants that had risk factors for heart disease.

But here’s the key for this thing to work…

… Make sure you buy the unsalted tomato juice or else it might have the opposite effect.

Beet Juice

Not only do these colorful, low-calorie vegetables contain a host of health-promoting vitamins and minerals but they also help lower blood pressure.

They’re packed with nitrates which are known to have blood pressure-lowering powers.

A study from 2016 showed that the juice of both raw and cooked beets improved blood pressure significantly… BUT in the study it showed that raw beet juice had a better impact on blood pressure.

I shared an awesome yet simple beet juice recipe with my VIP insider’s list a few weeks back that people were really impressed with.


We all know how great Prune Juice is for relieving constipation but a little secret that it has is that it’s also known by experts to lower blood pressure.

In 2010, researchers compared three groups of people and the effects that eating prunes had on their health.

One group ate three prunes per day, a second group ate six prunes per day, and a third group didn’t eat prunes at all.

And what they found kinda surprised them…

They reported a huge reduction in blood pressure in the group of people who ate three prunes per day and the people who ate six prunes per day had significantly better results.

So what was their recommendation?… SIMPLE… If you want to take advantage of these effects, drink a glass of 100-percent prune juice per day… or you could make your own by blending soaked prunes.


This is one of my personal favorites…

It’s super high in nutrients like folate and vitamin C AND… they have incredible anti-inflammatory effects.

So it shouldn’t surprise you to find out that pomegranate juice can contribute to a heart-healthy diet.

Back in 2016, a research paper based on eight randomized and controlled trials showed that pomegranate juice helps lower both systolic and diastolic blood pressure.

My recommendation is that IF you decide to add pomegranate juice to your diet, make sure it’s 100-percent juice with no added sugar.


Like pomegranates, berries are well known for their antioxidant properties…. especially blueberries… But a lesser known benefit are the benefits they bring to your heart.

For instance… a study conducted earlier this year showed that drinking cranberry or cherry juice can improve blood pressure.

In several other reports, it’s been concluded that berries likely have cardiovascular benefits, but the report also said that more research would need to be done to really understand their role in preventing and controlling heart disease.

Again… when buying your juice at the store… make sure it doesn’t have any added sugar.


This one really surprised me… I wasn’t expecting to find that skim milk had any type of effect on your blood pressure but surprisingly… it does!

In fact… Low-fat dairy products in general… like skim milk and low fat yogurt are a key component of dietary ways of fighting and putting an end to hypertension.

In a 2011 study performed on 45,000 adults found that the consumption of low-fat milk was associated with a lower risk of high blood pressure.

Again, I shared the exact study with my VIP insider’s list and they were just as surprised as I was.

The study went on to say that you should try to get two to three servings of low-fat milk products per day.

So you can drink a glass with your meals, or add it to cereal or a smoothie.

FYI… Steamed skim milk goes great in your coffee if you’re sort of a Coffe Junkie like I am… Just saying!


Now I love all sorts of tea so I was happy to find this one out when I did…

HOWEVER… When it comes to your blood pressure specifically, not all teas are created equal.

So… randomized controlled trials have compared the effects of black and green tea on blood pressure.

And what the researchers found was that long-term intake of both types of tea lowered both systolic and diastolic blood pressure…

BUT… the reduction in blood pressure was more significant for green tea drinkers.

So there you have it!

Following a heart healthy diet is not the only thing that can help you with your blood pressure but now you have 7 amazing drinks that you can add to your arsenal of weapons.

Let me know in the comments which one on the list is your favorite and let’s keep the conversation going!


That’s it you guys… That’s my show for today!

I hope you found some valuable information here and if nothing else, I hope I’ve entertained you for a few minutes and was able to bring a little man-ly sunshine to your day.

Thanks for taking some time out of your day to listen to me… it’s much appreciated!

On next week’s episode, we’ll be going over How Probiotics Can Help You Lose Weight and Belly Fat so you won’t want to miss out on that!

And if you’d like to continue the conversation with me, then get on over to podcast.dadsplanation.com/vip to get on the VIP Insider’s list where I share even more “raw-behind-the-scenes” stories, tips, and hacks that’ll keep you feeling younger every day!

That’s podcast.dadsplanation.com/vip…

Again, that’s podcast.dadsplanation.com/vip… be in the know… starting right now!

Also, don’t forget to rate me on iTunes by leaving me a nice FAT-5-star-review and some absolutely beautiful words of why you love the show so much! It really helps me get the word out and it’s honestly the one place where your vote truly matters!

Until our next chat… Take care!

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Isai Rodriguez
Health and Wellness Enthusiast, Coach, and Podcaster
Hi... Do you have a burning question for me? I'm happy to answer you anytime. Just drop your question below or simply say "Hi"!!
Isai Rodriguez
Health and Wellness Enthusiast, Coach, and Podcaster