
The Importance of Having a Limitless mindset

by | Jul 25, 2022 | Blog

The Story

If you’re following along with my podcast then you know from the last episode (# 053) that I’m currently in Las Vegas at a fitness conference.

I’m having a blast by the way 🙂 Thanks for asking!

The theme of the conference is this word “LIMITLESS”. Now, I know this can mean a lot of things to a lot of people but…

In this post, I’m going to share with you what I’m taking away from the conference as being limitless.

I’ll also share some simple and easy tips from the conference that will help you become more mindful about your health and wellness so you can start seeing positive results.

    My take on the term “Limitless”

    I think this theme of being limitless is interesting because in the past I’ve always thought of myself as someone who can only do so much.

    In my mind I was limited by what I could achieve or how much time I had to accomplish things.

    But after only two full days of intense training sessions and educational workshops, I now feel like there’s truly no limit to what I can do and what I can accomplish.

    I’m not limited by my age or where I live or any other factors that I used to consider limitations. When I think about it I realize that I can do anything that I want.

    And how you get from where you are to where you want to be is first tuning into your own mind… dialing it in and really understanding where you are right now (at this very moment) and where you want to be.

    You need to set yourself a goal and take the appropriate steps to get there.

    One of the first steps you need to do is to be mindful of what you say… literally, what are the words that are coming out of your mouth?

    That is where the power in your life comes from. The words you think and speak into existence. You can create whatever you want in your life with the words you speak.

    This is why you need to be mindful of what you say and how it affects your environment and everyone around you (including yourself).

    What is Mindfulness?

    Mindfulness is a powerful tool for creating a healthy, balanced lifestyle. It’s a simple concept that has been used for centuries to bring balance to the mind, body, and spirit.

    Mindfulness can be defined as a “state of being fully aware of what’s going on around you and your surroundings, but without judgment or self-criticism.”

    So in other words, mindfulness is simply being present in the moment without judgment. It’s a powerful tool for building a healthy lifestyle.

      Ask you something

      Let me ask you something…

      When you go about your day, are you often thinking about what you have to do later, or maybe how stressed you are? Are you worrying about the future, or are you thinking about how you really feel right then and there?

      If you are the type that’s constantly thinking about the future, then I’m sorry to be the one to tell you but you are not being mindful. You’ll need to work on that.

      Mindfulness is a skill and as with any new skill, it takes time to develop a solid understanding of how to do it.

      Why is it important to be mindful?

      When you’re working out, you need to have a clear vision of what you want to achieve, and you need to be able to clearly articulate that vision to yourself and others. This can be tricky.

      It’s a lot easier to say “I just want to lose weight” than it is to explain how you’re going to do it. This is where mindfulness comes in.

      By being aware of your fitness goals, you’re able to see what is working and what isn’t working, and you’re able to adapt your goals to make sure you’re on track.

      You’ll be able to notice when you’re reaching for that bag of chips or when you’ve been walking for a half hour straight.

      Being mindful will help you stay focused, and it will keep you from getting discouraged when you don’t meet your fitness goals.

        How to become more mindful

        Mindfulness is a skill that can be learned and practiced by anyone. In fact, there are many different methods of mindfulness practice, and some of them are better than others. One of the best ways to learn to be more mindful is to begin by taking five minutes every morning before you go to bed to reflect on your day.

          4 questions you should ask yourself

          These questions will allow you to understand what you really need and what you want in your life. It will allow you to learn to live your life in a way that will benefit you and those around you.

          1. What did you accomplish today?
          2. What was the highlight of your day?
          3. Did you feel successful?
          4. What were some of your challenges or setbacks?

          Mindfulness is one of the greatest gifts you can give yourself. If you are not mindful, then you will never be able to create the kind of life that you want. You will always be chasing after things and people. The only way you will ever be able to get what you want is by becoming more mindful of yourself, your life, and everything you do throughout the day.

          When you begin this practice, you’re not looking for perfection. You just want to think about the day you had, and ask yourself how it went. Then set a goal for the next day that’ll help you be a little better or take you one step closer to your ultimate goal.

          People ask “How much time do I need for this exercise?” and to be honest…

          I’m not sure how long you’ll need to complete this reflection because everyone is different.

          Some people like to do it right after they wake up and others like to do it towards the end or before going to bed for the day.

          I don't Know

          For me, it generally takes less than a minute to write down my thoughts (sometimes up to five minutes or so depending how I’m feeling that specific day) and I generally like to do it towards the end of my day.

          Once you have set your goal for the day, try to stick to it! When I start a new exercise plan, I always start with the end goal in mind. But it’s not enough to know what you want; you also have to have a plan for how you will get there.

          I normally suggest searching for a personal trainer that can help you reach your wellness goals. Reach out to them and have a nice chat about what it is that you’re trying to accomplish with your fitness efforts. In fact, (I may be a little biased but…) I highly suggest IMF for a fitness consultation and to have a chat with an expert trainer.

            How to keep your momentum going?

            Now then… let’s say that you’ve consulted with IMF (or another trainer of your choice) and you’re serious about achieving your wellness goals, then now is your time to start thinking like a winner.

            The first step to becoming a success is to recognize that you have a choice in the matter. You can choose to be a loser or you can choose to be a winner. The choice is up to you. And the sooner you realize this, the better.

            The second step is to know what it takes to become a winner. The key here is to understand that you will never achieve your goal of being a winner if you don’t know where the roadblocks are, and how you can overcome them. This is where regular “followup” or “checkin” sessions with your personal trainer come into play.

            The third step is the easiest and also the hardest. This is the step where all you have to do is to simply take action. No change will ever happen if you don’t take any action. So you can see how this is potentially the easiest and hardest at the same time.

            And here’s the thing…

            There’s a reason that so many people talk about the benefits of exercise. It’s because it works!

            Exercise has been proven to be a reliable way to reduce stress and increase happiness. The key to exercise is consistency. Staying consistent has to do a lot with your motivation but motivation can also be a tricky thing.

            Motivation is the most important thing that will lead you to success with your fitness goals. If you don’t have motivation, you won’t be able to stay on your fitness plan for very long. It’s just like anything else in life. If you have no interest, you won’t do it.

              Keep the momentum going

              The good news is that it doesn’t take much motivation to start and stay on your fitness plan. You just need to find what motivates you.

              What gets you going…

              What is it that fires up your engines? Seriously ask yourself that!

              Maybe focus on the benefits of reaching your goal. What are they? Think about that. Discuss that with your trainer. Let them know so they can program a workout plan that’s right for you and that will empower you to become the limitless person you’re trying to become.

              These benefits will motivate you to continue on your journey when you don’t feel like it. They’ll keep you going when “the going gets tough”. If you are not able to see the benefits, you will be less likely to make the effort or to even stay motivated.

              Be “crystal clear” about your goals and the benefits that come with reaching them.

              In fact, did you know that one of the biggest reasons people don’t achieve their wellness goals is because they don’t have a clear-enough vision of what they want to achieve? It’s true. And if you define what that is, then you’re almost halfway to becoming limitless.

                Bottom Line

                I’ve had a lot of takeaways from this year’s Idea World fitness conference and I’ll be bringing more awesomeness to you soon but I hope this article has helped you understand the importance of having a limitless mindset when it comes to your health and wellness.

                You can truly achieve anything you desire. Whether you’re trying to become stronger, faster, more energetic, more flexible, or whatever your goal is, it’s all in your mind. It all starts with the gray matter between your ears and more importantly, what you believe is possible for you.

                In my opinion, the best thing you can do for yourself is to live your life with a limitless mindset. That means that your mind is open to everything, your possibilities are endless and you’re willing to try anything.

                I know there are some people who are going to tell you that your body will never be perfect and you’ll never get the results you want (and you know what?) … They may be right, but you can’t let that stop you. Don’t listen to their negativity. Don’t allow their negative energy to penetrate into your soul.

                You truly have the power to change your life. And it all starts with adopting a “Limitless” mindset.

                Until our next chat…

                Stay healthy, my friend!


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