
7 Ways National Nutrition Month Can Help You Reset Your Health

by | Feb 26, 2024 | Blog

Dads over 40, anyone feeling like they’re stuck in a “dad bod” rut?

Remember those days of endless energy, keeping up with the kids on the playground, and conquering DIY projects without breaking a sweat?

Yeah, me neither.

But hey, before you resign yourself to the fate of endless couch potato marathons and feeling winded after tying your shoes, let’s remember something important.

We’re not powerless.

National Nutrition Month is just around the corner and it’s the perfect excuse to hit the reset button on our health and reclaim that awesome dad energy we know and love.

Think about it!

Trading sluggish afternoons for epic park adventures with the kids. Saying goodbye to low energy and hello to crushing that DIY project you’ve been putting off.

Sounds pretty good, right?

But where do we even start?

Well, here’s the good news! You don’t have to go at it alone.

Consider this your guide to 7 simple, actionable ways to make National Nutrition Month your personal dad-bod-busting bootcamp.

Let’s ditch the excuses and get ready to feel like the superheroes we truly are!

Fuel Up for Adventure: Ditch the Sugary Cereal, Dad!

Remember those days when chasing after the kids meant a quick sprint and not a breathless wheeze?

Yeah, those sugary cereals and convenience meals might seem easy, but they’re leaving us feeling like deflated balloons.

Here’s the deal, dads! We need real, nutritious fuel to power our awesome dad adventures.

Think about it…


Imagine tackling that jungle gym with the energy of a lion, not a sleepy sloth.

Or finally conquering that DIY project without needing a nap halfway through.

Sounds pretty epic, right?

So, what does “real, nutritious fuel” even mean?

Don’t worry, dads, we’re not talking kale smoothies and tofu scrambles (unless that’s your jam!).

It’s about making simple swaps that pack a punch of goodness.

Here are some dad-friendly fuel-up tips:

    • Ditch the sugary drinks: Swap those sodas and juice boxes for water (bonus points for adding a squeeze of citrus!). Your body (and taste buds) will thank you.
    • Pack power-packed snacks: Skip the chips and opt for nuts, fruits, or veggie sticks with hummus. These keep you fuller longer and provide essential nutrients.
    • Sneak in the greens: Blend spinach into your morning smoothie or add a handful of kale to your omelet. You won’t even taste it, but your body will be doing cartwheels.

And if you’re truly serious about your health and want to take it to the next level, you can think of The Reset 30 program as like your personal nutrition sherpa, guiding you through these changes and providing delicious recipes and handy tips.

It’s like having a nutrition coach in your pocket, helping you make those swaps and fuel your body for the adventures you deserve!

So, ditch the dad bod blues and fuel up for Awesome, Mr Dad!

Move It Like You Mean It: Ditch the Couch, Dad, It’s Time to Play!

Remember those days of tossing a football with the kids or dominating the neighborhood basketball court?

Yeah, sometimes the couch seems like the easier option, but let’s be honest, it leaves us feeling more like couch potatoes than superheroes.


But here’s the good news, dads…

Moving our bodies doesn’t have to be a chore, it can be an adventure!

Imagine feeling energized enough to join the kids on their bike rides or even crushing a friendly game of tag without getting winded.

Sounds pretty awesome, right?

Well, the good news is, you don’t need a gym membership or fancy equipment to get moving.

It’s all about finding activities you actually enjoy and making them a part of your routine.

Here are some dad-approved ways to move it like you mean it:

    • Turn playtime into fitness time: Join the kids on their adventures! Play tag, have a dance party in the living room, or challenge them to a backyard obstacle course. You’ll be having so much fun, you won’t even realize you’re getting a workout.
    • Embrace the great outdoors: Take a hike with the family, go for a bike ride, or even just do some yard work. Getting some fresh air and sunshine is good for your body and soul.
    • Find your fitness tribe: Join a local sports team, take a group fitness class, or find a workout buddy. Having someone to hold you accountable and share the fun makes it all the more enjoyable.

If that ain’t enough, I’ve got you covered!

The Reset 30 program includes tips on incorporating physical activity into your busy schedule, even if you’re short on time.

It’s like having a personal cheerleader in your corner, motivating you to get moving and rediscover the joy of physical activity (plus, you’ll have direct access to me as well. Sorry, it’s an all or nothing deal👍😀).

So, ditch the couch potato routine, dads! It’s time to move it like you mean it and show those kids (and yourself!) what you’re made of.

Sleep Like a Champ: No More Counting Sheep for This Dad!

Remember those nights of deep, uninterrupted sleep where you woke up feeling like a million bucks?

Well, I hate to be the one to break the news to you but those days are over.

Remember, those were the days before endless bedtime battles with the kids and the constant hum of dad duties.

But it’s all good my weary warriors!

National Nutrition Month and The Reset 30 Program are here to remind you that sleep is NOT a luxury, it’s a necessity, especially for dads like you.

Seriously… Imagine waking up feeling refreshed and ready to tackle the day, instead of hitting snooze multiple times and still feeling like a zombie.

Sounds pretty dreamy, right?

So how do we achieve this sleep nirvana?

I’ll tell you one thing… It’s not about magic potions or counting sheep all night.

It’s about creating a sleep-friendly routine that helps your body and mind wind down.

Here are some dad-approved sleep hacks:

    • Power down before bed: Ditch the screens (phones, laptops, tablets) at least an hour before bedtime. The blue light they emit messes with your sleep hormones. Instead, try reading a book, taking a warm bath, or meditating.
    • Create a sleep sanctuary: Make your bedroom dark, quiet, and cool. Invest in blackout curtains, earplugs, and a comfortable mattress. Your sleep sanctuary awaits!
    • Stick to a sleep schedule: Go to bed and wake up at the same time each day, even on weekends. This helps regulate your body’s natural sleep-wake cycle.

Sleep is super important and so under-rated and that’s why The Reset 30 program includes mindfulness exercises and journaling prompts to help you de-stress and unwind before bed.

It’s like having a personal sleep coach, guiding you towards a good night’s rest and leaving those sheep-counting days behind.

So, ditch the dark circles and grumpy mornings, dads!

It’s time to sleep like the champ you truly are.

Hydration Hero: It’s H2-Oh Yeah Time!

Remember those days when you could guzzle down a gallon of water without even realizing it?

Yeah, sometimes it feels like age comes with a built-in thirst quencher for sugary drinks and endless cups of coffee.

But here’s the truth, dads…Water is our body’s superhero sidekick and we need to treat it like the VIP it is!

Drinking plenty of water helps you feel energized, focused, and ready to tackle any dad challenge that comes your way.

Dehydration, on the other hand, leaves you feeling sluggish, foggy-headed, and like you’re running on fumes.

Sounds like a recipe for a grumpy dad day, right?

I know… Tell me about it, but… How do you become a hydration hero?

Listen…It’s not rocket science, dads. It’s about making water your new best friend.

Here are some dad-approved hydration tips:

    • Carry a reusable water bottle: Keep it filled and handy throughout the day. Bonus points for adding some fruit slices or cucumber for a refreshing twist!
    • Set water reminders: Use your phone or a fitness tracker to remind you to take regular sips. Before you know it, it’ll become second nature.
    • Make water fun: Add sparkling water or a splash of fruit juice for some flavor variety. Even a squeeze of lemon can do wonders!

Along with these incredible nuggets here, your Reset 30 program gives you some expert guidance on calculating your individual hydration needs.

It’s like having a personal hydration coach in your pocket, helping you reach your daily goals and feeling like the energized hero you deserve to be!

So, ditch the sugary drinks and dehydration blues!

It’s time you become a hydration hero and crush the day with a clear head and a refreshed spirit.

Stress Less, Dad-ress More: Ditch the Dad Bod Stress, It’s Time to Chill!

Let’s be honest, life throws enough curveballs to make even the most zen yogi lose their cool.

Work deadlines, school plays, endless “can you fix this?” requests and “honey-do lists” – it’s enough to turn anyone into a stressed-out mess.

But here’s the good news…

Stress doesn’t have to define us, especially not the awesome dads we are!


You can be feeling calm, collected, and ready to handle whatever life throws your way, instead of letting stress control you.

Sounds pretty peaceful, right?

But if this is true then how do we reach this zen-dad status?

We’re not talking about hiding in a cave (although sometimes that sounds tempting!)…

It’s more about finding healthy ways to manage stress and make self-care a priority.

Here are some dad-approved stress-busting tips:

    • Find your chill zone: Whether it’s meditation, spending time in nature, or listening to your favorite music, carve out some “me time” each day to de-stress and recharge.
    • Connect with your tribe: Talk to a friend, join a support group, or simply vent to your spouse. Sharing the load and feeling supported can make a big difference.
    • Move your stress away: Exercise is a natural mood booster. Go for a walk, hit the gym, or even dance like nobody’s watching (because chances are, they’re not!).

If you decide to take this to the next level and get your own Reset 30 program, you’ll also have access to mindfulness exercises and journaling prompts to help you manage stress.

Think of it like having a personal stress-buster in your pocket, guiding you towards a calmer, more balanced you.

So, ditch the dad bod stress and grumpy moods!

It’s time to welcome your inner chill and show those kids (and yourself!) that stress doesn’t have to win. Not now! Not ever!

Power Up with Protein: Ditch the Dad Bod Fuel, Dad, It’s Protein Time!

There used to be a time when you could build a fort worthy of a king and wrestle the kids without breaking a sweat. Do you remember the time?

Yeah, sometimes it feels like age comes with a built-in “low-protein” filter, leaving us feeling like deflated balloons. Totally depleted.


But we’re better than that!

And I’m glad that National Nutrition Month reminds us that protein is our body’s building block. We need it more than ever as dads!

Think about having the energy to chase after the kids, tackle that DIY project, and still have enough left to cuddle up for story time.

Sounds pretty epic, right? Well, that energy comes primarily from clean protein sources.

But where do we get this magical clean protein fuel?

Well let me say that it’s not about chugging protein shakes all day (although, who am I to judge?).

We’re talking about adding protein-rich foods into your diet in delicious and sustainable ways.

Here are some dad-approved protein power-up tips:

    • Scramble some muscle: Eggs are a protein powerhouse and a breakfast classic. Add some veggies and cheese for a complete and satisfying meal.
    • Snack like a champion: Ditch the chips and opt for nuts, Greek yogurt with berries, or hard-boiled eggs. These keep you fuller longer and provide essential protein.
    • Go meatless (sometimes): Don’t be afraid to explore plant-based protein sources like beans, lentils, and tofu. They’re versatile, delicious, and good for your heart.

One of my personal favorite parts of the Reset 30 program is the inclusion of a high-quality plant-based protein powder as a convenient option to help you meet your daily needs.

It’s like having a personal protein chef in your pantry, whipping up delicious and nutritious shakes and smoothies to keep you fueled for all your dadventures!

So forget about the dad bod fuel and feeling sluggish!

It’s time to power up with protein and show those kids (and yourself!) what you’re made of.

Community: Your Secret Weapon Against the Dad Bod – You’re Not in This Alone!

Let’s face it, dads, being a superhero sometimes feels like a solo mission.

Between work, family, and the endless honey-do list, it’s easy to feel isolated and like you’re drowning in dad bod problems.

But here’s the truth…You don’t have to go it alone!

This is the perfect time (National Nutrition Month) to remember the power of community and how it can be your secret weapon in crushing your health goals.

Think about it… Imagine having a squad of supportive guys cheering you on, sharing tips, and holding you accountable.

It’s like having a built-in dad squad, ready to celebrate your victories and commiserate over the occasional indulgence (because hey, balance, right?).

Sounds pretty awesome, right?

Well, here are some dad-approved ways to find your tribe:

    • Join an online forum or group: There are countless online communities dedicated to dads and health. Connect with guys who share your interests and goals, and get ready for some virtual high-fives!
    • Hit the gym with a buddy: Having someone to exercise with can make it more fun and motivating. Plus, you can hold each other accountable and celebrate progress together.
    • Connect with local dads groups: Many communities have organizations specifically for dads. Look for groups that focus on activities you enjoy, like sports, hiking, or even just hanging out with the kids.

Pro Tip: The Reset 30 community is here for you! We have a network of supportive people who are passionate about health and wellness.

Take advantage of our online groups, connect with local dads, and tap into the wealth of resources and encouragement available.

It’s like having an extended dad family, always there to cheer you on and help you stay on track.

So with that said, ditch the lone wolf act and embrace the power of community!

It’s time to team up, support each other, and conquer those health goals together.

Wrapping Things Up: Dad Bod Farewell, Superhero Hello!

Alright, dads, we’ve covered 7 epic ways to reset your health and ditch the dad bod this National Nutrition Month.

Remember, it’s not about some magic potion or fad diet (although, who are we to judge a delicious smoothie?)…

It’s about making small, sustainable changes that fit into your busy dad life.

You’re not just transforming your body, you’re transforming your energy, your mood, and your ability to be the superhero your family needs.

You’ll have the stamina to chase after the kids, the focus to tackle that project, and the mental clarity to be present in every moment.

That sounds pretty darn heroic, right?

Well remember, you don’t have to do this alone.

The Reset 30 program is your personal guide and cheerleader, packed with tips, recipes, and support to help you on your journey.

It’s like having a nutrition coach, a personal trainer, and a stress-buster all rolled into one convenient package.

Plus, you’ve got the community cheering you on every step of the way.

So let me ask you this… What are you waiting for?

It’s time to ditch the excuses, embrace the awesome, and start your health reset today!

Remember, you’ve got this and I’m here to support you every step of the way.

Now get out there, conquer your dadventures, and show the world (and your kids) what a superhero dad truly looks like!

And before you go…

If you want to learn more about the Reset 30 program and how it can help you achieve your health goals, click ▶️ THIS LINK ◀️ and join the dad bod-busting revolution! Let’s do this together, dads!

Until our paths converge once more in this digital realm, remember this…

Keep nurturing your body with the elixir of hydration, persevering in your quest for robust health, and continue thriving with unwavering strength, my fellow dads.

May your journey be filled with vigor and vitality. 🥤💪

Onward and upward, Isai

Isai from Dad-Splanation Podcast In the Flesh
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