5 Variations Of Deadlifts To Spice Up Your Workouts
A lot of people think that the deadlift is simply a single exercise. And what they don’t realize is that it is one of the most complex movements we do in our workout.
In fact, the deadlift is the only compound movement where you can have one leg and one arm at a time working on a single load, and still be performing a multijoint movement.
And then there is the fact that the deadlift is one of the most important exercises for athletes and fitness enthusiasts alike. The deadlift is responsible for strengthening your back, hips, shoulders, core, and legs.
And just like many benefits to multiple parts of your body, there are many variations to target specific goals.
This versatility is what makes it such a great exercise to add into all your routines. It also helps break through that plateau stage we all eventually hit.
So if you want to discover what the 5 best deadlift variations are to add to your routine, then look no further…
Go ahead and SMASH that PLAY button right NOW and add these 5 to your routine starting today.
Catch you on the other side!